We have designed 18 bitesize virtual workshops around the different dimensions of Emotional Intelligence. Our Workshops are fun, interactive and have been developed to enhance self awareness and awareness of others, learn practical tips and tools to build skills and competence in each dimension and most importantly change attitudes and behaviour.
Bitesize Workshops delivered virtually or face to face
An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
Understand what Emotional Intelligence is and why it is important for personal and career success
Explore how your attitudes and emotions support or block your effectiveness
Learn about your personal EI strengths and development areas
Identify strategies for developing your Emotional Intelligence
Self Regard Workshop
Developing and maintaining your self regard or self-esteem is a prerequisite for effective leadership. Healthy self-regard enables leaders to connect well with others and have great relationships. Self-regard is based on the beliefs we hold about ourselves – a positive sense of self allows us to behave in a way that will engage and influence others. A more negative sense of self can often lead to controlling or passive behaviour and difficulty in handling conflict constructively.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Identify the emotional triggers that impact their self-regard
Explore more about their own self-limiting beliefs and attitudes
Learn practical strategies to maintain and cultivate self-regard and build self-confidence
Regard for Others Workshop
Demonstrating Regard for Others helps build trust, collaboration and effective working relationships. When we display Regard for Others, people feel valued and their regard for themselves increases. Conversely when we display less Regard for Others this can significantly impair people’s regard for themselves. When leaders are busy or under stress they can become more self focused and pay less attention to others.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Understand the link between inspiring high performance and Regard for Others
Explore more about themselves in relation to others – what stops them displaying Regard for Others?
Learn practical strategies to maintain and cultivate a positive attitude towards others.
Self Awareness Workshop
Self Awareness in Emotional Intelligence terms goes beyond self-knowledge, for example know what your strengths, personal likes and dislikes are and typical patterns of behaviour. In this case, Self Awareness is the awareness of your physiology and feelings in a given moment in time, and an understanding of the impact these have on your thinking and behaviour.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Learn techniques from an expert in Mindfulness, that if practiced, can be used to develop greater self aware of physiology and feelings
Become more aware of their own emotional states that can cause occasional reactive and destructive behaviour
Identify greater awareness of their own values, needs and when emotions are being ignored, bottled up or compartmentalised
Awareness of Others Workshop
Awareness of Others is the degree to which a leader is in touch with the feelings of others. The ability to do this is a vital attribute for understanding how to motivate, engage and lead people. Having the capacity to understand, empathise and pay attention to the feelings of others in an important factor in developing relationships and therefore adapt and respond appropriately.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Learn how to become more aware of others and their values, needs and emotions.
Increase empathy by imagining themselves in the other person’s shoes and openly acknowledging the feelings of another person during conversation
Learn how to observe body language and tone of voice; and learn subtle mirror body language to build rapport.
Emotional Resilience Workshop
Emotional Resilience is the degree to which a person is able to pick themselves up and bounce back when things go wrong or during stressful / challenging times. Leadership can be an exciting journey but such positions are also accompanied by inherent pressure. Being able to cope with adversity is a vital component to avoid excessive stress or burnout.
During this 120 minutes workshop participants will:
Learn the different dimensions of resilience – emotional, mental, physical and spiritual
Understand their own personal triggers in relation to sustainable performance and understand what causes them negative stress
Develop strategies to develop greater emotional resilience
Personal Power Workshop
Leaders displaying high Personal Power recognise where they can influence, exercise choice in their actions and decisions, accept accountability and feel empowered. Feeling confident and able to make a difference is often tied up with the beliefs we have about ourselves, and expectations of others. If you have a tendency to set the bar too high we may feel like giving up, or if we set it too low we may become bored. Developing Personal Power so a leader feels more empowered and self-assured is an important aspect of self-determined leadership.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Learn how to seek out opportunities where they can have greater control and more responsibility
Identify at least 3 options and actions that they can take when they believe they have no choice
Recall times when they felt empowered for taking on responsibility and how they can use this as an anchor in the future
Goal Directedness Workshop
Goal Directedness is about knowing what we want, and having a sense of purpose and direction to get there. One reason leaders do not achieve their goals is that they are easily distracted or perhaps lack motivation towards them. If a leader has a tendency to be impulsive they may be easily distracted from their goals. Distractions can come from within or externally. Developing Goal Directedness will enable leaders to create a compelling set of personal aims that are intrinsically motivating and provide a personal compass for future personal development.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Put strategies in place for success, for example planning ahead, setting targets and having clearly defined objectives that are personally motivating
Learn how to draw upon personal qualities such as perseverance, focus, self-discipline, inner conviction and a will to succeed
Identify what distracts them from achieving their goals and aim to eliminate the distraction
Flexibility Workshop
Flexibility is the degree to which a leader feels free to adapt their thinking and behaviour to changing situations. In today’s climate, leaders are expected to adapt quickly to different working practices, environments, people and situations. Remaining flexible is therefore an increasingly important attribute. Being willing and able to move outside of our comfort zones and try new ways of doing things is important to support innovation and continued development.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Explore their own comfort zones and consider how willing they are to try new ways of doing things
Consider different styles of leaderships and practice flexibility in adopting and trying the styles that are more difficult
Ensure that the balance between being flexible is aligned to staying true to their own personal commitments and that the change is in accordance with their goals and organisational strategy rather than because it is more interesting
Connecting with Others Workshop
Connecting with Others is the extent and ease with which a leader is able to make significant connections with other people. The ability and willingness to build strong relationships and networks is an important part of sustainable leadership effectiveness. Evidence shows that strong relationships boost job satisfaction and performance, improve job retention and increase creativity. Strengthening the depth of connections with people requires being open, listening without judgement and being prepared to express feelings and vulnerabilities. Doing this will help build trusting relationships, create effective networks and gain people’s support in times of need.
During this 120 minutes workshop participants will:
Assess their own network and identify which relationships require more investment
Notice what information isn’t shared when talking to people for example, when appropriate, what isn’t being shared on a personal level, when feelings or vulnerabilities aren’t being expressed
Techniques to form connections and engage with people
Authenticity Workshop
Authenticity is the degree to which you invite the trust of others by being principled, reliable, consistent and known. Acting authentically means first being trustworthy and secondly being known as someone who is trustworthy. If people find a leader more difficult to get to know or to read, they may feel less inclined to trust them. This workshop is about identifying their authentic self and understanding what their values and principles are. It is also about being really clear about how they manage their behaviour and relationships with others aligned to these values and principles.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Reflect on personal values and behaviours
Complete an audit to ensure that beliefs, feelings and aspirations are aligned and that they are acting with integrity and authenticity
Create a plan to ensure that others also act responsibly and honesty
Trust Workshop
Trust in the context of this workshop is about our ability to trust others. Trust is a key component to developing collaborative and supportive relationships. An important part of leadership is recognising what level of Trust to place in different people. Placing belief or Trust in others is a powerful way to inspire people. However, offering full Trust unquestioningly has drawbacks. If a leader continually over Trust, people may undertake work they are unable to complete effectively and therefore unable to meet expectations. Leaders may then develop a pattern of Trust towards others that is highly changeable depending on the frame of mind or the context of the person. However, carefully Trusting allows leaders to accurately assess people’s ability to deliver and set stretching but achievable targets.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Learn skills to combine subjective view with objective information before making a decision about how much Trust to place in people.
Identify what is factual and what is more hopeful? Leaders will assess members of their team and calibrate their expectations of others (and themselves) to ensure that they are fair and realistic.
Check whether they are over-generalising about people or situations, for example if a person didn’t deliver on one task they may think they never deliver on any task.
Balanced Outlook Workshop
Having a Balanced Outlook is how well a leader manages to balance optimism with realism. As a leader, inspiring and motivating people to follow, by projecting a positive view of the future combined with a realistic plan of how to get there is essential. Balanced Outlook is an important attribute to develop in order to shape the way we think and how other people view the future in a positive and meaningful manner.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Identify when they are pessimistic or over optimistic and the impact that this might have on others
Learn techniques to deliver messages to others in a positive and meaningful manner
Review their critical analysis and consider carefully how they communicate to others so as not to appear overly negative or overly positive for example; ask questions, find something positive to say and offer solutions
Emotional Expression and Control Workshop
This workshop focuses on the degree to which a leader manages to balance the expression and control of their emotions. Expressing emotions and passion can be a real asset for a leader, especially when motivating and influencing people. However, there are also times when it is necessary to manage our emotional expression, particularly as people can find strong displays of emotions unsettling. The aim is to get the balance between emotional expression and control right by recognising feelings early and expressing them gradually, before they become so strong they feel unmanageable.
During this 120 minutes workshop participants will:
Identify situations that cause a strong emotional reaction in them. By doing this review they will notice the feelings they experienced for example; frustration before it becomes anger and anticipation before it becomes anxiety
If leaders are prone to emotional outbursts or little emotional expression they will learn techniques to either moderate or enhance their responses
Learn how to do a daily spot check of their emotions before they become overwhelming
Conflict Handling Workshop
People are different and want different things, therefore managing conflicts and asserting oneself is an inevitable part of a leadership role. There will be occasions that will require leaders to assert their views strongly and deal with opposition or seek compromise and work collaboratively. Frustration can manifest less overtly in passive-aggressive behaviour, for example ignoring others input and pushing ahead regardless. Developing conflict handling and assertiveness skills will help enhance the ability to negotiate, maintain relationships and deal with confrontation.
During this 120 minutes workshop participants will:
Identify their preferred style of influence and conflict handling
Practice listening to others and reflecting back what they have heard, before giving an opinion
Learn additional skills to negotiate, maintain relationships and deal with confrontation
Interdependence Workshop
Interdependence looks at how well a leader manages to balance taking themselves and taking others into account. Leadership is a collective endeavour; therefore it is vital that a leader works alongside others effectively. As a leader, this needs to be balanced with the flexibility to work collaboratively, be consultative and work in teams.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Identify their preference as a leader and consider when they are either too dependent or overly independent.
Learn how to create a team environment where generating ideas and solutions are encouraged and welcomed without criticism, ridicule or risk.
Practice the skill of being able to be an individualistic expert whilst endeavouring to involve people early in a prospect; elicit their ideas before deciding the way forward
Reflective Learning Workshop
Research has overwhelmingly found that the most effective leaders are lifelong learners; learning to feel, think and behave differently based upon experience and changing circumstances. This workshop helps leaders to build a clearer picture of their strengths and development areas actively seeking feedback from others.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Review their feedback from others and build a clearer picture of their strengths and development
Get clear on their development goals and identify what success at the next level up looks like.
Review their individual and team performance by undertaking a diagnostic assessment over the last 3 months. What would they stop, start and continue doing?
Wellness Workshop
During this workshop leaders will create their own Personal Energy Plan and identify ways to enhance their physical and emotional resilience further. Longer working hours, more stress, less time for breaks and the general increased expectations that employers have of their employees brings with it a very real ability for an individual’s work to profoundly affect their health, and in turn, for their health to profoundly affect their work.
During this 90 minutes workshop participants will:
Learn the technique that ensures balanced and increased energy levels through the day, rather than the well known ‘mid-afternoon’ slump
Strategies to ensure a deep and restful sleep
The most effective ways to maintain a healthy weight and why a focus on exercise alone may not be the best approach
Workshops range from 90 minutes to half a day.
Our workshops are fun, interactive and practical. They have been developed to create self awareness and then provide some practical tips, tools and strategies to help change behaviour. Each workshop comes with its own Emotionally-i-Fit Booklet, which can be provided as either an online resource tool or as a printed version. The booklets provide information and theories on the topic, which can be taken away and reviewed. The practical tips, tools and strategies can then be used to work through with their team members to support their development.
Who for
Leaders or individuals that want to develop Emotional Intelligence.
Workshops are delivered in person or as a webinar.
Who with
Amanda Wildman and/or an Emotionally-i-Fit Workshop Coach
Workshops have been purposefully designed to be short learning sessions, as we recognise that development needs to have a commercial advantage and fit within the parameters of the demands of busy leaders.
Having said that we are flexible to the needs of our clients and can run between 1-4 workshops in one day.
Whilst we have already designed 17 Workshops around the dimensions of Emotional Intelligence and Health we are able to make these more bespoke and tailored to particular organisational leadership behaviours or competency frameworks or development programmes.
We work with organisations to measure the ROI of the workshops by agreeing key success criteria. This is a collaborative exercise between the organisation, leader and Emotionally-i-Fit.
Our Workshop Coaches have high emotional intelligence and work hard during the workshops to ensure a high level of engagement.
"I have had the pleasure of working with Amanda in her capacity as Head of Learning and Development at Morgan McKinley. Amanda had an immediate impact on both the quality and breadth of our internal training programs. Her ability to acutely understand the needs of her customers and her willingness to go the extra mile to deliver bespoke solutions has helped us expedite the development of our people and ultimately the success of our business. Amanda has also supported me and my Director team in the role of personal coach. Her warm, intuitive and engaging style has allowed her to push and challenge the team which has created stronger self awareness and more clarity in terms of both the setting and achievement of personal and business goals. Amanda has had an enormously positive impact on our business and I would have no hesitation in recommending her services."
MD, Morgan McKinley, Sydney