The Emotionally Fit Leadership Programme
This is an intensive coaching programme that focuses development on all aspects of emotional fitness.
- The programme includes EIP Diagnostic Assessment , Personality Type Profile and EI 360
- Contract meeting between Client, Manager and Coach - our coaching process is designed to enable both participants and their sponsors to reflect on the coaching needs and goals.
- A focus on physical wellbeing – in order to be emotionally fit, we believe there needs to be an emphasis on physical wellbeing too. As part of the Emotionally Fit Leadership coaching programme you will work with our nutritional and physical experts to ensure that you are looking after your health.
- Be in peak physical and emotional fitness
- Impact, influence and engage others by connecting better emotionally
- Be more emotionally perceptive and therefore more able to adapt to an individual, team or organisation
- Understand and manage your own emotional triggers
- Improve your resilience and manage stress better
- Strengthen resilience and engagement
- Unlock your potential and the potential of others
- Manage your emotional responses to people and situations more effectively
- Reduce stress
- Have more fulfilling and harmonious relationships
Duration: 6 Months – 10.5 hours coaching or 1.5 days
Takeout: Two written reports (Emotional Fitness plus 360) and Emotionally-i-Fit Personal Development Leadership Plan, a number of different strategies and tools to manage your emotional and physical wellbeing, nutritional and fitness assessment.
Who For: Leaders or individuals that want to develop Emotional Fitness
Where: Face to face
Who with: Amanda Wildman or an Emotional-i-Fit Coach or Fitness expert
Bespoke Coaching Programmes
We use the Emotionally-i-Fit Personal Development Plan to create a bespoke coaching programme to help you to become more emotionally fit.
If we are working with organisations we will always provide an initial contracting meeting between Client, Manager and Coach. We know that coaching has the greatest impact when the coaching contract is explicit and the organisational and individual needs are aligned. We ensure that this is a critical part of the programme.
Key points:
Duration: 1.5 hour coaching sessions (as many as are required but normally up to 5)
Takeout: Written Emotional Fitness and / or 360 if required. Although assessment is not essential it is highly recommended. However we do work with organisations that have already assessed Leaders and are, therefore, clear about key areas of development and focus for coaching.
Who for: Leaders or individuals who want to develop.
Where: Face to face (London), Telephone or Skype
Who with: Amanda Wildman or an Emotionally-i-Fit Coach