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How to win at work relationships and connect with others!


How to win at work relationships and connect with others!

I am often asked the question – how can I change my behaviour when certain relationships push my buttons

I am sure anyone reading this can identify.  We all have blind spots in relationships and games that we have perfected over years to protect us from experiencing strong emotions.   


Who's Pushing Your Buttons? The importance of Emotional Intelligence for good working relationships.


Who's Pushing Your Buttons? The importance of Emotional Intelligence for good working relationships.

I am often asked the question – how can I change my behaviour when certain relationships push my buttons? 
I am sure anyone reading this can identify.  We all have blind spots in relationships and games that we have perfected over years to protect us from experiencing strong emotions.   
Dr. Eric Berne is the author of Games People Play, the groundbreaking book in which he introduces Games and Transactional Analysis to the world.  According to Dr. Berne, games are ritualistic transactions or behaviour patterns between individuals that can indicate hidden feelings or emotions.  A runaway success, Games People Play spent more than two years on the New York Times bestseller list in the mid 1960s – longer than any non-fiction book over the preceding decade. Games People Play and Transactional Analysis have gone on to influence and inspire millions of people, including Thomas A. Harris, author of I’m OK – You’re OK and Muriel James, author of Born to Win.


Mental Health is a Leadership Issue

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Mental Health is a Leadership Issue

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK and the theme is on relationships.  Building healthy relationships and connections both personally and professionally can have a significant impact on performance and our health.

And good mental health has a positive impact on business

  • 70 million work days are lost each year due to mental health problems in the UK, costing employers approximately £2.4 billion per year

So the theme this week is the importance of relationships for leadership

'A leader without a great team, or without an excellent relationship with his team, will struggle to achieve greatness, as a leader cannot do everything themselves.' - Gordon Tredgold

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